This week concludes our first part of the crystallization-study of Ezekiel (1), and the main topic is, The Inward Recovery by Life for the Carrying out of God’s Economy; today in particular we want to see that in order for God to recover us and make us the new man, He must judge our old […]
In order to Recover us and Make us the New Man, God must Judge our Old Man Daily
Experiencing the Washing of the Life-giving Spirit from any Earthly Defilement

In order for us to really appreciate and be able to enter into the reality of the laver of bronze, we first need to see its significance. Not many Bible expositors have spoken concerning how can we experience Christ as the Spirit, the reality of the bronze laver, but this item in the tabernacle is […]
Elim: God’s People Carry out His Ministry by His Flowing and Growing Divine Life

The experience of the children of Israel at Marah exposed them and tested them, and they realized how much bitterness there’s in the environment and in their being; as a result of Moses crying out to God, He showed him a tree which he cast into the bitter waters, and they became sweet. In our […]
The results of the fellowship of life: we enjoy God, we walk in the light, and we bear much fruit for God!
The fellowship of life is something so precious and so vital – it is the flow of the divine life in us and among us. When we have the fellowship of life, we are enlightened by the Lord’s light to see our sins and then we confess them to God – and His blood cleanses […]
the fellowship of life is simply the continual flowing of the divine life within us

Hallelujah, as believers in Christ, we are regenerated with the divine life! This morning I was encouraged to see that once we receive this divine life, we not only become sons of God / God-men, but we also have this life flowing in us! The divine life is a flowing life, a life that has “fellowship”, […]
The Mystery of the Divine Fellowship of Life – the Divine Life is Flowing in us all the Time!

Ever since we became a believer by receiving the Lord Jesus as our Savior and as our life, we Christians became a mysterious people. Now we’re not just human beings with all that the humanity entails, but we’re also divine beings with all that the divine life brings about! We are mysterious people – we […]