“Hallelujah, we are happy Christians because in the Lord’s recovery we are being brought again and again to Christ!” (brother Dick Taylor). This week we come to Hosea 11:1 and 4 – two verses for a whole week, speaking of, Three Implications concerning Christ. The first implication is in verse 1, When Israel was a […]
seeing Christ as the Only Begotten Son becoming the Firstborn Son of God!
in the meetings the Firstborn Son sings praises to the Father in our praises!

Even though the book of Psalms concludes with Hallelujah! to the Lord and we saw yesterday that everything that has breath is praising the Lord, what about us – do we live a life of praise? Do we praise the Lord from the very moment we wake up in the morning? Do we praise the […]
every church is wonderful: the church is a living composition of all the brothers of Christ!
In His resurrection Christ produced the church, which is the living composition of the many brothers of the Firstborn Son of God (Rom. 8:29)! The church is not just a gathering of the believers, but it is something organic, the Body of Christ – something of life. We are the many brothers not of the […]
appreciating the Lord Jesus in His wonderful death and resurrection as seen in Psalms 16:9-11
Psalms 16 is a short psalm but reveals so much about the Lord Jesus in His human living, His death, His resurrection, and His ascension – even without mentioning these words. This One, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Beloved of the Father, the Firstborn Son of God, the One who fulfills God’s heart’s desire […]
“You are My Son; today I have begotten You” – Christ was begotten to be the Firstborn Son of God!
According to Psalm 2:7-9, in His resurrection, Christ was begotten by God to be His Son who inherits all the nations and possessess the whole earth! These verses are crucial in our Christian life, since they prophesy about a great truth concerning Christ’s divinity, His humanity, and God’s economy as revealed in the second Psalm, […]
God’s economy is to make man the same as He is in life and in nature but not in the Godhead
The Triune God has a heart’s desire – see Eph. 1:5, 9 – and in order to accomplish His heart’s desire, God made an economy (Eph. 1:10; 3:9) – God’s eternal economy! Daily people write and talk about the human economy – which is collapsing / going down, even though many try their best to […]
Two Fathers in John 8 – The Father of Truth and The Father of Lies(light shining in the home meeting!)
Recently in a home meeting we were joined by a new one whose concept was that God is his Father through God’s creation of humanity. To answer his question / give a Biblical approach to this, we went to John 8 and we read through the whole chapter. It is quite startling that in this chapter […]