Hallelujah, we as the many sons of God are being conformed to the image of the firstborn Son of God, Jesus Christ! The New Testament reveals that Christ as the only begotten Son of God became man, put on human nature, and was begotten by God in His humanity to be the Firstborn Son […]
As the many Sons of God, we’re being Conformed to the Image of the Firstborn Son of God
Christ in His Humanity was Begotten by God to be the Firstborn Son of God in Resurrection

The Lord Jesus is the Root and the Offspring of David, and He was begotten in His resurrection to be the firstborn Son of God in His humanity, with us as the many sons of God to follow. Hallelujah! The Lord Jesus Christ is a mysterious yet wonderful Person who deserves not only our […]
The Divine History with Christ’s Death and Resurrection, the Church, and the New Jerusalem

The history of God in man began with the Lord’s incarnation and continued with His human living, His all-inclusive death, His life-imparting resurrection, His all-transcending ascension, His producing the church, the church as the one new man, the millennial kingdom, and consummates in the New Jerusalem. It is quite amazing to see and realize that […]
Enjoying the Resurrected Christ as the Holy and Faithful Things, God’s Mercies to us

The resurrected Christ is the holy and faithful things of David given to us as a gift for us to enjoy, experience, and participate in, and for us also to preach and give to others as the gospel. In Acts 13 Paul preaches the gospel of the firstborn Son of God, the only begotten Son […]
Christ became the Firstborn Son of God for the Propagation of the Divine Life

In resurrection Christ became the firstborn Son of God and the divine life was dispensed into all His believers to bring forth the propagation of the divine life that is embodied in Him. God made a promise to the fathers that He will bring forth a seed out of David that will be the Son […]
Today we are Preaching Christ as the Firstborn Son of God for His Propagation

Christ is both the only Begotten Son of God and the firstborn Son, and what we announce today is Christ as the Firstborn Son of God for His propagation. He was, is, and always will be the only Begotten Son of God in His Godhead, and He always existed and will always exist as such […]
The Only Begotten Son of God became the Firstborn Son of God in His Resurrection

In Christ’s incarnation He was begotten to be the Son of Man, the unique God-man possessing both divinity and humanity, and in His resurrection He was begotten by God to be the firstborn Son of God in His humanity, the firstborn among many brothers. The One whom we are propagating is not the only begotten […]