The holding factor of our one accord is the apostles’ teaching; once we continue steadfastly in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles, we will be kept in one accord for the Lord’s move and purpose on earth. The landmark between the gospels and the book of Acts with the Epistles is not merely the […]
Continue Steadfastly in the Apostles’ Teaching, the Holding Factor of the One Accord
The Teaching of the Apostles is the Unique and Healthy Teaching of God’s Eternal Economy

Thank the Lord for the teaching of the apostles, which is the unique and healthy teaching of God’s eternal economy, the entire speaking of God in the Son to His New Testament people! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, The Intrinsic Factor of the Winds of Teaching for their […]
Remaining in the Fellowship of the Apostles to be in the Fellowship of the Body

The fellowship of the Body of Christ – which is the fellowship among the churches – is the fellowship of the apostles, which issues from the teaching of the apostles. We need to see what is the intrinsic fellowship of the churches (as the local expressions of the unique organic Body of Christ) for their […]
The fellowship and prayer with the other members in the Body is our salvation!
If you really ponder on this verse and think about it, it is a little shocking what brother Paul says in Phil. 1:19, For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Isn’t our salvation from the Lord? Isn’t […]
the function of the fellowship of life and four simple ways to cooperate with this fellowship
What is the function of the fellowship of life? We have seen that the fellowship of life is based on the divine life and it is simply the Triune God flowing in us and among us. As the divine life flows in us, it is not meaningless – it has a function! The function of […]
the fellowship of life is simply the continual flowing of the divine life within us

Hallelujah, as believers in Christ, we are regenerated with the divine life! This morning I was encouraged to see that once we receive this divine life, we not only become sons of God / God-men, but we also have this life flowing in us! The divine life is a flowing life, a life that has “fellowship”, […]
Speaking and teaching God’s economy in faith: the apostles’ teaching producing the fellowship of the apostles!

This morning I was so impressed from the Word of God that Paul charged Timothy to do his best to STOP certain ones that did not teach God’s economy which is in faith! As we saw yesterday, there is only one teaching that comes from God, that is approved by God, and that builds up […]