We need to aspire to know the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings; first, we receive the power of His resurrection, and then by this power, we are enabled to participate in His sufferings and live a crucified life in conformity to His death. Amen! This week we come to the second part of Phil. 3:10 […]
Aspire to Know the Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings by the Power of His Resurrection
Experience the Power of Christ’s Resurrection to Participate in His Sufferings for the Body

Paul’s aspiration was to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings; we need to experience the power of Christ’s resurrection to participate in His sufferings. If we put ourselves aside and remain under the death of the cross, we will experience the power of Christ’s resurrection for the […]
God pays more attention to what we are than to what we do or can do for Him

In Christianity and in the world alike people pay more attention to great works than to the person of the worker. With the Lord Jesus, His work was His living – there was no difference between His life and His work. He didn’t work for a while and then “took a break to live His […]
we can share in Christ’s sufferings for the producing and building up of the Body of Christ
For the building up of the church we need the ministry – our experience of the riches of Christ in a subjective way, having Christ wrought into our being through all kinds of sufferings and consuming pressures…. This kind of experiences produces and constitutes the ministry for God’s new covenant, and these experiences are for the building up of the Body of Christ today! We love the ministry – we don’t “hate the gifts”, but we value more being a minister of the new covenant than desiring to be a gifted one…