God gave Christ to be Head over all things to the church; today we need to see, believe and receive the divine transmission of the exalted and ascended Christ to enjoy all the riches of Christ and become His fullness, the church life, for the corporate expression of Christ. Amen! May we be those who […]
Receive the Divine Transmission of the Exalted Christ to become God’s Fullness
Taking the Way of Life by Enjoying and Experiencing Christ as Life to Express God

It is quite amazing to see the contrast between the book of Ruth and the book of Judges; in Judges, we see many powerful men who did great things for God yet failed at the end of their life, while in Ruth we see a person on the line of life, seemingly quite weak, who […]
All the Fullness of God is in Christ, and of His Fullness we Received Grace upon Grace

All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ bodily; the expression of the riches of God, the overflowing of His riches, dwell in Christ in a bodily form, and of His fullness we have all receive, grace upon grace. Our Christ is not only rich, and He not only has the riches of God; […]
The Law is the Testimony of God, the Expression of God, the Revelation of who God is

Praise the Lord for the book of Exodus! Starting from this week for 11-12 weeks we will be enjoying the Holy Word for Morning Revival on the second part of Crystallization-Study of Exodus, which is focused on Exodus chs. 19-24 and a little of ch. 25. In our first study of Exodus we saw how […]
the believers are being made one in the divine glory for God’s expression

The third level of oneness in John 17 is the believers’ oneness in the divine glory for the corporate expression of the Triune God. The glory which the Father gave to the Son, this glory the Son gave to the believers that they may be one even as the Triune God is one. This is […]