God’s purpose is accomplished by life, and in Genesis 1 we see in type the experience of Christ as life and the growth in life for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. God as the Spirit came to brood upon our dead situation, and He spoke something to us, bringing light in our inner being, and […]
Growing Further in Life to Fulfill God’s Purpose of Expressing and Representing God
Advancing in our Growth in Life to Overcome Death and Transcend All Frustrations

The record in the first chapter in Genesis is not merely to inform us of how God created the earth and all things in it, neither is it merely to show us the order in which God created everything. If we have the glasses of God’s economy on, we will clearly see that in Genesis 1 we […]
Stronger Light (Sun, Moon, and Stars) is Needed for a Further Growth in Life

On the fourth day of God’s process of creation the light-bearers appeared – the sun, the moon, and the stars – for the producing of the higher forms of life (Gen. 1:14-19). For the generating of life and for the initial forms of life (the plant life) the light of the first day was OK, […]
Death (the Sea) is Defeated and Life (the Plant Life) is Generated by Christ (the Good Land)

Genesis 1 is not recorded in the Bible as “a history of the creation” but rather it is showing us how we can experience Christ as life. We start as “dead in sins and offenses” (Rom. 5:12) – corresponding to “the earth became waste and void” – and at one point, the Spirit of God […]
A Separation of the Heavenly and Earthly Things Through the Cross for Life to be Generated

Genesis 1 and 2 show us in picture how we can experience Christ as life. These two chapters are not a complete record of how God created the heavens and the earth, but they are written for us to see how we can experience Christ as our life in our daily life. First of all, […]
The Bible is a Book of Life; God Uses the Spirit, Word, and Light to Generate Life!

The Bible is a book of life, and in order for us to understand and receive what the Bible is about, we need to open to God, the Writer of the Bible. The book of Genesis as the first book of the Bible is not a record of creation and then of the history of […]