God didn’t just want to deliver His people out of Egypt; His complete salvation included the passover, the exodus from Egypt, and the crossing of the Red Sea. After the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea, Pharaoh had no more ground to do anything, and the people of Israel were unto God, serving Him […]
God uses Satan to Glorify Himself and Carry out His Salvation for His Chosen People
Having the Lord’s Leading and Guidance through the Spirit and the Living Word of God

In Exodus 13 we see four crucial matters related to Israel’s exodus from Egypt; these are related to our spiritual experience and can be applied to our Christian life today. First, the people of Israel were sanctified unto Jehovah; they were not only redeemed by Him but also sanctified unto Him, set aside unto Him […]
Experiencing the Resurrection Life to be Sanctified and have a New Beginning Daily

We have seen quite number of details regarding Israel’s exodus from Egypt in Exo. 12:29-42 such as being delivered by the saving God with His mighty hand, plundering the Egyptians on their way out, watching with and to Jehovah throughout the night of the Passover, leaving Egypt as an army arrayed for battle, and breaking […]
Being Delivered from the World by the Power of our Saving God and by Eating Christ

God’s deliverance of His people Israel from Egypt was through the Passover, the exodus, and the crossing the Red Sea. The Passover is foundational, basic, and critical for the sake of our exiting the world (typified by the exodus from Egypt) and going through baptism (typified by crossing the Red Sea), making it clear that […]