As believers in Christ, we aspire to know Christ in a subjective way, in the way of experience, for when we have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord, we are able to count all things as refuse on account of Christ that we may gain Him and experience Christ subjectively. […]
Have the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ to Experience Christ Subjectively
Have the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ to Gain Christ and be Found in Christ

In Phil. 3:3-16 we see that Christ is the goal of our pursuit; we need to have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ and pay the price to enjoy Him, be found in Him, experience Him, gain Him, and experience Him in His death and resurrection for the Body. What a Christ we […]
Be Absolutely one with God in Receiving the Word of God and Treasure Christ’s Excellency

For us to take, receive, and keep the word of God, we must be absolutely one with God; it must be our habit that we take God as our source, and receive His word by being one with Him, so that we may be even as His mouth, bringing out the precious from the worthless. […]
As we Suffer the Loss of all things on account of Christ, we Gain Christ and Enjoy Him

When we see the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, we drop all other things for Him; we gain Christ by suffering the loss of all things that were once a gain for us and by counting them as refuse. If we were to get into the depths of Paul’s thought in Phil. 3:7-8, where […]
On Account of the Excellency of Christ we suffer the Loss of All things to Gain Him

Philippians 3 shows us that on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, Paul counted all things to be loss; he placed great value on this excellency of Christ Jesus his Lord, and because of this, he counted all loss. The more we know Christ, the more we have the revelation of Christ […]
A Higher Revelation of the Excellency of Christ leads to a Higher Experience of Him

How can we know or have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, even a higher revelation of Christ? This excellency comes only by revelation; without revelation from the Father concerning Christ, we cannot know Christ. Christ is all-inclusive and all-extensive, but do we see a revelation of Him, and do we have an appreciation […]
The Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ is the Excellency of Christ Realized by us

We need to have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, which is derived from the excellency of His person; once we see a revelation concerning Christ, we will realise His supreme preciousness and worth, and we will drop everything else to just gain Him. The apostle Paul, before his conversion, was zealous for the […]