The prophets in the Old Testament prophesied concerning the grace that was to come to us, the grace that is for the salvation of our soul; the Spirit of Christ applies God’s full salvation as grace to us by the prophesying of the Old Testament saints and the preaching of the New Testament apostles. Amen! […]
The Prophets in the Old Testament Prophesied concerning the Grace that was to Come to us
The Lord’s Perfect Redemption causes us to be Cleansed and to Experience Christ

How we thank the Lord for His wonderful and perfect redemption! The Lord Jesus was willing to become lowly in His “becoming in the likeness of men” so that He might be near to man and become man’s Savior, and He did the will of God, shed His blood for our redemption, thereby being glorified […]
Christ made Purification of Sins and Sat Down: Hallelujah, Redemption is Accomplished!

The Lord Jesus as the reality of the trespass offering has made purification of sins and sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: all has been accomplished, He did it all, and we can just enjoy it and praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Our Christ as the reality of the trespass offering […]
Christ Offered Himself through the Eternal Spirit: His Redemption is Eternally Effective

The altar of burnt offering is a wonderful and mysterious type of Christ in His redemption, the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. This altar is not simple, nor is it shallow; it is full of deep significance with many details, and it is seen in reality in what the Lord accomplished on the […]