It is quite amazing to see how the tabernacle filled with the glory of Jehovah and covered by the cloud in Exo. 40 is a full type of the Triune God. At the end of Exodus everything is coming to a consummation, a conclusion: God finished giving Moses the instructions for the building of the […]
How Amazing it is that the Triune God is Embodied and Expressed Through the Church!
Elements involved when we Experience the Lighting of the Lamps in the Church Meetings

In the meetings of the church – the Holy Place – all the saints must exercise their spirit and cause the lighting of the lamps; the light comes of their enjoyment of Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God, the divine nature, the humanity of Christ, and the Spirit of Christ. Our responsibility and […]
Seeing Christ as God’s Testimony issues in Feasting on Christ to become His Testimony

After God revealed the details concerning the ark of the testimony, He went on to speak not of the golden incense altar (which is the closest piece of furniture in the tabernacle to the ark) but of the table of the bread of the presence. This table had similar dimensions – and the exact same […]
The Ark of the Testimony Typifies Christ as the Embodiment and Testimony of God

We are now returning to the crystallization-study of Exodus (the third part), focusing mainly on the last 16 chapters of Exodus. These last 16 chapters are a test of whether we truly have a heart seeking after God and His economy. Many Christians tend to skip the last 16 chapters of Exodus (after they read […]
the local churches as the golden lampstands bear the testimony of Jesus on the earth
If we do not see what the Lord’s recovery is intrinsically, we may be in the Lord’s recovery outwardly and in the local church meetings weekly, but we may have an empty church life. Unless we see the intrinsic significance of the Lord’s recovery we have a vain life, at best a Brethren-type of meeting… The focus of the Lord’s Recovery is the corporate expression of the Triune God – in the church life, Christ is shining and God is fully expressed through all the saints! O, Lord, show us intrinsically what the focus of the Lord’s recovery is! [continue reading this portion inspired from the Morning Revival on the Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, week 1 day 4]
the central thought of the book of Psalms is Christ and the church as the house and the city of God
Praise the Lord for the book of the Psalms! Just like most believers, I also love this book – every psalm brings me closer to God. It is so sweet to read psalms and love the Lord more, or at least to be ministered to in the situation or condition you’re in… According to our […]