As lovers of Christ who pursue Him and seek to gain Him so that He may gain what He is after, we are called more strongly to live within the veil through the cross after resurrection, and share in the work of the Lord by being one with Him to work with Him in and […]
Called to Live within the Veil and to Share in the Work of the Lord for the Body
Eating Jesus to live a Christian Life as a Duplication of Christ’s God-man Living

The meal offering typifies our Christian life as a duplication of Christ’s God-man living; by eating Christ as the meal offering, we can live because of Him and can live the same kind of life on earth as He did. Many times we read the Bible, especially the Gospels, and we are so impressed […]
In the Maturity of the Life of Christ we become the Shulammite, Christ’s Duplication

As we enjoy and experience Christ in the divine dispensing and remain in the divine romance, we grow unto maturity of Christ’s life and are built up to be the church as the Body of Christ and His bride, and we become the Shulammite, the reproduction and duplication of Christ to match Him for […]
Set our Entire Being Absolutely on the Lord to Love Him and Become His Duplication

We need to set our entire being absolutely on the Lord to be transformed into His image and become His duplication, the Shulammite, consummating in the New Jerusalem as the bride of Christ. When we love God, we set our entire being on Him, we are occupied by Him and lost in Him, and […]
Loving the Lord and having the Growth and Transformation in Life to become like Him
![Oh, you are beautiful, my love! / Oh, you are beautiful! Your eyes are [like] doves. S.S. 1:15](
In the book of Song of Songs, we see the relationship between the experience of the divine dispensing and living in the divine romance; if we really love the Lord, we will surely have the growth and transformation in life, and we experience the divine dispensing to have a continual change in our growth […]
Exercise our Spirit and be one with the Lord to Receive and Speak God’s Word for His Increase

Hallelujah, we can exercise our spirit and be one with the Lord to receive and speak the word of God for His increase in us and in others! It is very important for us, believers in Christ, to realize that the regenerated part of our being is the multiplication and reproduction of Christ, the increase […]
God Created us in His own Image, according to His Likeness, for us to be like Him

God created man in His image and according to His likeness so that He would work Himself in Christ into us and make us the same as Him to be His corporate expression on the earth. Hallelujah! Throughout the Bible we see that God’s intention is with man, His thought is focused on man, and […]