Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28 was a dream of God’s goal, the dream of Bethel, the house of God, which is the church today and which will consummate in the New Jerusalem as the eternal dwelling place of God and His redeemed elect. After he saw this wonderful dream, Jacob went through a lot of […]
Coming to Bethel (the Church) a Second Time and Having our Name Changed into Israel
Experiencing Christ as the Reality of the Heavenly Ladder Set up in our Spirit

Jacob dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it (see Gen. 28:12). This is a very significant dream, and the Lord Jesus confirmed in John 1:51 that He as the Son of Man is […]
The Church Life today is the Reality of Bethel, the Fulfillment of Jacob’s Dream

The stone that Jacob put under his head as a pillow and then early in the morning set up as a pillar and poured oil on it – this stone became Bethel, the house of God (see Gen. 28:17, 19, 22). I am still amazed that God met this restless and homeless young man, Jacob, […]
Being Transformed into Stones and Pillars Anointed with the Spirit for God’s Building

The most crucial point in the book of Genesis is Jacob’s dream in Gen. 28:10-22, a dream which unveils the most crucial matter in the revelation of God: God desires to have a house on earth composed of the transformed people whom He called and is building up to be His dwelling place. God wants […]
The Significance of the Stone, the Pillar, the House of God, and the Oil in Gen. 28

The dream that Jacob had in Genesis 28 is the most crucial point in the whole book of Genesis and the most crucial word in the revelation of God. Jacob, a supplanter who ran away from his parents house for fear of his brother whose birthright and firstborn blessing he stole, was wandering in the […]
Jacob’s Dream at Bethel was a Dream of God’s Goal, the Dream of the House of God

In our Holy Word for Morning Revival, we are now getting into a Crystallization-Study of Genesis (the third part), focusing mainly on the lives of Jacob and Joseph. Jacob was chosen by God even from his mother’s womb, but even though he knew this, he still struggled, cheated, and did things to steal the birthright […]