In Numbers 1 we see a picture of the incarnation of the Triune God in the tabernacle with the Ark; the embodied Triune God has been enlarged to become entrable, and we as His people can enter into God, be mingled with God, and enjoy God. Apparently, the book of Numbers is a record of […]
The Embodied Triune God has been Expanded to become Entrable: we can Enter into God!
Cooperating with God in our Tripartite Being to be Mingled with the Divine Trinity

The Divine Trinity is the model of our Christian life, and we regenerated believers with our tripartite being need to cooperate with the indwelling Divine Trinity to be mingled with God and for God to be glorified in us. The New Testament reveals that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all in us; […]
As we Spend Time in Prayer to Study the Divine Trinity in God’s Word, we Enjoy God!

Underneath the words in the book of Numbers we see an awesome crystal: the Divine Trinity; the Triune God refers mainly to God Himself, and the Divine Trinity refers mainly to God’s being Triune. When we come to this matter of the Divine Trinity and the Triune God we may think, Why does it have […]
The Divine Dispensing is the Base for our Living a Holy Life for the Church Life

As believers in Christ we are the holy people of a holy God, and we need to enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity as the base for living a holy life for the church life. Leviticus 18-20 speaks of the holy living of God’s holy people and corresponds to Eph. 4:17 – 5:14, […]
We’re Being Built up in the Body to Fight under the Blessing of God and Take the Land

As believers in Christ, we are being built up into the organic Body of Christ to fight for the carrying out of God’s economy, and we are being made ready to take the good land and fight under the blessing of God in His Divine Trinity. The history of the children of Israel is a […]
Seeing how the Entire Divine Trinity is Revealed in the Type of the Burnt Offering

The entire Divine Trinity is revealed in the type of the burnt offering – Christ the Son is the burnt offering, the tent of meeting, and the offerer; Jehovah as the Receiver and the fire is actually God the Father; and the water washing the inward parts is a type of the Spirit. The entire […]
Seeing the Economy of the Mystery Hidden in God and daily Receiving God’s Dispensing

From the beginning of the world the purpose of creation was a mystery hidden in God, but in the New Testament God has revealed the economy of the mystery to His believers, showing us that His intention is to gain the church, His corporate expression. Everything in the universe exists for a purpose, because God, […]