In the Scriptures the concept of the divine stream, the unique flow, is crucial, for the unique stream of the Lord’s work from the throne of God flows throughout the ages unhindered. This week, our concluding week on the matter of the propagating of the resurrected, ascended, and all-inclusive Christ as the development of the […]
We need to Keep Ourselves in the unique Flow of God, the Stream of the Lord’s Work
Keeping Ourselves in the one Divine Stream by Loving the Lord with the First Love

In propagating Christ as the development of the kingdom of God on earth, we need to be those keeping ourselves in the one flow of the Lord’s work for the spreading of the church, and receiving the Lord’s mercy to be saved from Satan’s schemes. The Lord is spreading on earth today, both in number […]
Acting and Working in the Body and for the Body in the One Divine Stream of God

In the book of Acts we see a group of people who live by Christ as their life, who act by Christ as their power and authority, and who realize that they are the Body and thus are working in the Body and for the Body in the one divine stream. First of all, the […]
Being One with God’s Work in the Divine Stream Today for the Increase of Christ

Today in our morning revival we start a new topic, The Increase of Christ for the Building up of the Church (based on the 2016 Memorial day Conference). In our Christian life we need to be hungry for more of God, hungry for more of what He has to say to us, and poor in […]
Keeping Ourselves in the Stream of the Lord’s Move Today To Bring Him Back

In the book of Acts and throughout the church history we see that in the move of the Lord on the earth there is only one stream, and that we as believers need to keep ourselves in this one stream flowing throughout the ages (Acts. 15:35-41). The divine life started flowing from the day of […]
Being in the Stream of God’s Move Today – Our God is Always Advancing and Going On

Our God is a God that always flows, moves, and advances. The book of Acts records the move of God in man in the first 67 or so years, and this book has no end because the unique stream of the work of God continues to flow throughout the ages! God flowed from the eternity […]
Being in the Divine Stream of Fellowship and Praying for the Ultimate Revival

Our work for the Lord needs to be in ascension, by the Spirit, and in the divine stream. This divine stream is the one flow of the Triune God from eternity into time and into eternity – and He flowed Himself into us! In this divine stream, we need to have fellowship – the stream […]