The kingdom of God is not only the realm of the divine life and of the divine dominion but also the realm of the divine species, in which are all the divine things; we need to live in the kingdom of God as the realm of the divine species in our daily living. Amen! We […]
As God-men, we are Living in the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Species
We Enter the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Species by being Born of God

The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine species, the realm in which are all the divine things; to enter this realm, we need to be born of God, born of water and the Spirit, regenerated with the divine life. The kingdom of God refers not only to the reign of God over […]
What we Experience when we Live in the Divine and Mystical Realm of the Spirit

It is very important what realm we live in. These days we are all praying and looking to the Lord to save so many of these refugees from the Arab world in Europe, and there are many reports on how the Lord is moving, gaining, saving, baptizing, and bringing them into the church life so […]
Living in and Experiencing the Consummated Spirit as the Divine and Mystical Realm

By regeneration we enter into a new realm: the realm of the Spirit, the realm in which we have the Triune God processed and consummated to be the Spirit as our everything. All believers in Christ have the privilege to breathe in God as the Spirit and to be in the Spirit as the realm […]
Christian Life is not a Performance but the Living of a God-man Life as God’s Species

The goal of our Christian practice should be to live the life of a God-man, the duplication and continuation of the life the Lord Jesus lived while on the earth. Our practice shouldn’t merely be something that is “according to the Bible” but practice living the life of a God-man, that is, living a life […]
by repenting and believing we can enter the kingdom of God to be God-men, God’s species
God became flesh – God became man – to enter into our race, our species, and now man becomes God in His life and nature (but not in His divine Godhead) to enter into the divine species. Man was created in the image and likeness of God with a spirit to receive God, but unless man makes a conscious decision under the divine light to receive the life of God, man is still man, part of the human kingdom. We are not “born Christian” by human birth but by our opening to the Lord to receive Him in our heat as Lord and Savior, even as our life. [read more online]
we need to be born of God with the divine life in order for us to be part of the kingdom of God
It is not by our doing, our striving, or our behavior that we become part of the kingdom of God, and neither is it by our being affiliated to any of the “churches” that are out there. The only way we can become part of the kingdom of God or even see the kingdom of […]