The Bible is a book of love – the entire Bible is a divine romance, for it is a record of how God is courting His chosen people whom He eventually marries. Our eyes are blessed to read such a fact and our ears are blessed to hear this, for many in the Old Testament […]
The Bible is a Divine Romance, a Record of God Courting His People and Marrying them
The New Jerusalem is the Real and Consummate Shulammite, a Corporate Shulammite
From the angle of the divine romance, the New Jerusalem is the real and consummate Shulammite – a corporate Shulammite, including all of God’s chosen and redeemed people; the New Jerusalem is the consummation of the divine-human romance in the Bible. God’s purpose, as seen in His creation of man, is to “get married” – […]
Becoming the Same as Christ and Reaching Maturity by Having our Will Subdued
The deepest longing in the Lord’s heart is to have a counterpart that would match Him in every way. In the Song of Songs we see how we, sinners and strangers from the promises of God, pass through a process of transformation and maturity to become the duplication of Christ, “the Shulammite”, to match Him […]
Seeing how the Entire Bible is a Divine Romance and Giving Ourselves to Love the Lord
“The entire Bible is a divine romance, a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them.” – this is what the Bible is all about. Beginning from Genesis 2 where we see that God says, It is not good for man to be alone (and by this He referred to Himself, […]
being drawn with cords of a man and bands of love to be in the divine romance
There is a very precious portion of a verse 4 in Hosea 11 which says, “I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love”. Even though we are evil, unchaste, unfaithful, and in apostasy, God drew us with cords of man and with bands of love. He loves us with His divine […]
the Lord Jesus is the Bridegroom courting us to be His bride to marry Him!
The Lord Jesus did not come to earth only as a Savior and Redeemer. As we see in John 3, the Lord came as the Bridegroom, and Him being the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world was for redeeming His bride! We were regenerated to be part of the bride […]
being romantic Christians by loving the Lord personally and affectionately
The Bible is a book of romance, and both the Old Testament and the New Testament are written as espousal covenants. God loves man and courts man, and He desires to have man espoused to Him to be His counterpart. We can see this in every book of the Bible, especially in the prophets and […]