We need to have the truth wrought into our being, constituted into our being, so that we may be able to properly explain the truth in God’s word to bring others not merely a temporary inspiration but the solid truth for them to enjoy and experience Christ. When we speak of the truth, we […]
Pay the Price to have the Truth Wrought into us and Constituted into our Being
We need to be Constituted with the Truth by being Trained in the Divine Revelation

In order for us to be priestly teachers like Ezra, we need to be constituted with the truth, that is, have the truth wrought into us to become our organic constitution; we need to be trained in the divine revelation and learn to speak the truth for the perfecting of the saints and the […]
The Bible is a Book of God’s Economy, a Picture and a Full Definition of God’s Economy

The Bible is a book of God’s economy, a record of the divine revelation concerning God’s eternal economy, and Christ and the church are the basic structure of the Bible. Amen! This week we start a new series in our Holy Word for Morning Revival based on the 2022 summer training; the title is, […]
We need to be Constituted with and Spread the Highest Truth of God’s Eternal Economy

As believers in Christ whom the Lord has brought in the church life in the Lord’s recovery by His mercy, we need to be constituted with the truth and spread the highest truth of God’s eternal economy by using the life-studies and the Recovery Version with the footnotes. Hallelujah for the ministry of the New […]
Worshipping God According to the Divine Revelation and Not Inventing our own Religion

The last commandment in the whole Bible is in Rev. 22:9b, where the angel told the apostle John, who fell down at his feet, to worship God. Throughout the Bible, throughout history, and throughout our Christian life we see a struggle for worship: God wants our worship, and Satan seeks to get worship from us. […]
The Bible is a Building Manual, and We Can Cooperate with God for His Building

The Bible is a book of God’s building, with the first two chapters in Genesis giving us a blueprint of God’s building and the last two chapters presenting a picture of the finished building, while the rest of the book presents the process of the building. The first two chapters and the last two chapters […]
The Governing Vision of the Bible and the Kernel of the Divine Revelation

Many Christians read the Bible and they find a lot of things in the Bible. But have you ever wondered or have you ever asked the Lord in your time with Him in the Word, Lord, what is the governing vision in the Bible? Lord, what is the kernel of the divine revelation in the word […]