When we look at how the boards and the uniting bars were made, put together, and functioning, we realize that in the Body of Christ we must be joined with others by the Holy Spirit and in the Holy Spirit with the holding power of the divine nature. First of all, these boards were quite […]
Being Joined with others by and in the Holy Spirit with the Holding Power of the Divine Nature
Being Mingled with God to be Transformed into Precious Stones Built up Together

The breastplate that the high priest had to wear on top of the ephod had twelve precious stones on which the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were engraved; this signifies that we as God’s redeemed and transformed people are being built together to become one entity. The high priest wore the building of […]
Being Fully Open to the Lord for Him Shine on us, Expose us, and Infuse us with Life

The golden lampstand in the tabernacle, the house of God, was a piece of furniture designed by God Himself: only God can design such a lamp which bears light and yet looks like a tree, with cups, calyxes, and almond blossoms! The type of the lampstand points to the Triune God: the Father is the […]
having a daily life of the New Jerusalem: drinking from the river of life and eating the tree of life!
This morning I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that today we as believers are living the life of the New Jerusalem today! What we see in Revelation that happens in the New Jerusalem is / should be our experience today – only on a smaller scale! In that day when we arrive at the ultimate consummation […]
God became man to make man God in life and nature but not in the Godhead

There it is: I have repeated what Athanasius said in the 4th century – “He was made man that we might be made God”. This is God’s desire and His intention – to make man the same as He is. God wants to be expressed in a collective way, through many human beings constituted as […]