In His Resurrection Christ Released the Glory of His Divinity and Cast Fire on Earth

Starting from this week in our morning watch with the Lord we’re getting into the matter of, The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension. We need to first see a vision of Christ in His resurrection and ascension and then enter into some experience in a practical and subjective way. The […]

What does the Bible Really Say about the Father’s House and the Many Abodes in John 14?

The Lord Jesus is the good Shepherd, and He takes all-inclusive tender care of all His sheep (John 10) for the Father’s house (John 14). Through His shepherding, all the believers are being redeemed, regenerated, and transformed to be united, mingled, and incorporated with the Triune God in the Father’s house, the church, the Body […]

A High View of the Church as the Father’s House, the Divine-Human Incorporation

The church is the house of God, the household of God, and as such the church is the Father’s house. The Lord Jesus was zealous for the Father’s house (see John 2:16-21) and He spoke at length in John 14 concerning the many abodes in the Father’s house. Contrary to the traditional and religious understanding […]

“That the World may Believe that You Have Sent Me” implies “Incorporation”

In the first six chapters of Zechariah we see eight mysterious revelations of Christ, beginning with Christ as a Man riding on a red horse among the myrtle trees. Throughout the book of Zechariah we see many aspects of Christ and many prophecies concerning His life and work. When God’s people see Christ in all […]

seeing the significance of the Father’s house and being mingled more with God

The Father’s house is what is on God’s heart – He wants to obtain a house, a dwelling place, where He can express Himself in and through His people. When God gets a built up church as His house, He will be fully expressed and His glory will shine. To Christ, this is the Body […]

Abiding in Christ by the teaching of the anointing and eating the hidden manna

The way for us to abide in Christ is according to the teaching of the anointing – the anointing teaches us all things, especially that we abide in Christ (1 John 2:27). Inwardly, we obey the teaching of the anointing, and outwardly, we must walk even as the Lord walked (1 John 2:6). All the believers in Christ have in them the compound Spirit, the consummated Spirit of the processed Triune God, and this Spirit is not static, passive, or silent. The Spirit in our spirit is continually anointing us, flowing in us – He is active, aggressive, moving, and working! [read more online]

the church is the house of the living God, the supporting pillar and holding base of the truth

God expresses Himself on earth the way He wants – in His church, His dwelling place. It is in the church that God can practice His New Testament economy, He can speak forth what is in His heart, and He can manifest His glory! God feels at home in no other place but in the church, and it is here that He expresses Himself and manifests Himself – all He is, all He’s doing, and all He wants to obtain are to be expressed in the church as God’s dwelling place.