In the resurrection of Christ, He produced an enlarged, divine-human, universal incorporation of the processed Triune God with the regenerated believers as the Father’s house, the Son’s vine, and the Spirit’s child, and we are all part of this divine-human incorporation! Hallelujah! It is really amazing to see that Christ did not just die for […]
Divine-Human Incorporation: the Father’s House, the Son’s Vine, and the Spirit’s Child
Being Incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the Ultimate Incorporation of God and Man

The ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and transformed people is the New Jerusalem, and we’re incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the universal incorporation, by eating Christ as the hidden manna. Wow, Hallelujah! God’s desire, His ultimate purpose, is high and lofty, but the way to attain it […]
We’re Branches in the True Vine of the Son and the New Child of the Spirit, the New Man

As believers in Christ, we are branches in the true vine of the Son and the new child of the Spirit, growing to be the new man – a full-grown man. The incorporation of the consummated God with the regenerated believers in resurrection issues in the Father’s house, the Son’s vine, and the Spirit’s […]
The Father’s House is Built up by the Constant Visitation of the Triune God Indwelling us

As believers in Christ, we are the many abodes in the Father’s house, and we are built up by the constant visitation of the Triune God, the Father and the Son with the Spirit to be the mutual dwelling place of God and man. Hallelujah! The Bible is truly a wonderful and amazing book, […]
The Consummated Triune God and the Regenerated Believers are a Divine-Human Incorporation

We need to see and realize that, in the entire universe, there is only one thing that God wants, and that is the universal incorporation of Himself as the consummated God with the regenerated believers; He wants to gain the divine-human incorporation of the consummated God with the regenerated believers. Wow! This week we […]
We take Christ as our Dwelling Place and Love Him to Abide in Christ and Him in us

For us to abide in Christ and for Christ to abide in us, we need to take Christ as our dwelling place and everything, we need to eat Christ as the hidden manna, and we need to love the Lord Jesus. In John 15 the Lord Jesus said, Abide in Me and I in you; […]
Today our Life is Hidden with Christ in God and Christ is Leading us into Glory!

The Christ who dwells in us is our life, and this life is hidden with Christ in God; this is typified by the manna hidden in the golden pot. Our life is hidden with Christ in God, therefore we should set our mind on the things which are above, not on the things which are […]