We need to be those who enjoy the divine nature to be filled with God as love and live a life of holiness in the church life for God’s expression today. The divine love, agape, is the ultimate development of the divine nature, and holiness is the manner of life that partakes of the […]
Enjoy the Divine Nature to be Filled with God as Love and Live a life of Holiness
Authority and Fellowship flow in the River of Water of Life from the Throne of God

The throne of God and of the Lamb, the center of the New Jerusalem and the divine government in the church life, is not only the source of the divine administration but also the source of the divine fellowship; authority and fellowship go together in God’s economy. It is important for us to see that […]
As we are Blended and Restricted in the Divine Fellowship, the Body is kept in Oneness

The divine fellowship is the reality of living in the Body of Christ in the oneness of the Spirit; the divine fellowship blends us and restricts us, keeping us in the oneness of the Body of Christ. We need to realize that we all are members of the Body of Christ, and even as local […]
The Fellowship of the Eternal Life (2) – Truth Series 3

Part of the, Young Adults Truth Series, hosted and published by the UniStudents in Europe, this is the Fellowship of the Eternal Life (part two) – truth series #3. Enjoy the sharing by our brother Don and be washed in the water in the word to be brought into the fellowship of the eternal life! […]
The Fellowship of Life is Everything to us; it Tempers us and Blends us for the Body

The fellowship of life is not merely one of the many lessons we learn in our Christian life; the divine fellowship is everything in the Christian life. If we don’t have a proper vertical fellowship with the Lord and a solid horizontal fellowship of life with the fellow brothers and sisters, God is not real […]
The Divine Fellowship of the Divine Life: the Basic Element of John’s Mending Ministry

Only life can mend. And though we may know this, we don’t really know how it happens. All we know is that we need to be open to the divine fellowship of the divine life so that life would flow into us and mend us. The ministry of the Apostle John is a mending ministry […]
Being Thoroughly in the Divine Fellowship by Applying the Cross of Christ

It is so wonderful that the Lord has brought us into the fellowship of the divine life, where we can enjoy oneness with the Triune God, participating in all that He is and has accomplished. But we have to admit that there are still many problems in us, many obstacles to the fellowship of the […]