The Bible reveals three aspects of sanctification, and the divine sanctification for the divine sonship is the center of the divine economy and the central thought in the New Testament – it is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy to sonize us divinely! Amen! In the Scriptures we see three […]
The Divine Sanctification of the Spirit as the Center of the Divine Economy makes us Holy
Live in the Inward Parts of Christ to Cultivate the Consciousness of the Body of Christ

If we as members of the Body of Christ have the consciousness of the Body of Christ and see others suffer or being blessed, we will identify with them and feel the same hardship or blessing (see 1 Cor. 12:26-27). When we were regenerated by God with the divine life, we received not only the […]
The Pathway of Life: Experiencing the Cross so that God’s Life is Lived out in us

As believers in Christ, we need to see the pathway of life – which is narrow and constricted, allow the discipline of the Holy Spirit to work in us, and see a vision of how the life of God can be lived out of us. Even though God’s life came into us at the time […]
Maturity is Being Emptied to have an Increased Capacity to be Filled with God

God’s purpose can be fulfilled only through a transformed and mature corporate man, and we as believers in Christ today are in the process not only of transformation but also of maturity. In the process of transformation we have God’s divine life transforming and inwardly replacing our natural life, and in the process of maturity […]
Seeing that We are Under the Discipline of the Holy Spirit for our Transformation

In our prayerful study of the book of Genesis we can see that in the life and experience of Jacob he had a lot of God’s dealings. Jacob was a supplanter, trying to get what he wants by tricking others into doing things they later regretted, but God was working behind the scenes by sovereignly […]
Practical Ways to Cooperate with the Lord to Deal with the Passage of the spirit

There is a way to deal with all the impurities and defilement in our being! On the one hand we have Christ in our spirit, and He wants to flow out in a pure way to minister life to others. On the other hand, there are so many problems, defilement, issues, and impurities in our […]
knowing the pathway of life: death is the way for God’s life to be released

The Christian life is a life and a living on the pathway of life; as Christians and as followers of the Lord Jesus we need to enter through the narrow gate and walk on the constricted way which leads to life (see Matt. 7:13-14). What is this pathway of life? We have the divine life […]