Hallelujah, God’s glory will return to the church as the built-up and completed house of God! When the church as the house of God is built up and completed, the glory of God will return; God wants to return with His glory in His house, but He is waiting for the building up of […]
God’s Glory will Return to the Church as the Built-up and Completed House of God
Stirred in Spirit for the Building up of the Church for the Desire of the Nations to Come

We need to be stirred in spirit for the building up of the church as the house of God so that Christ, the desire of all the nations, may come! May the Lord stir us up in our spirit to respond to His call and come and work in the house of the Lord […]
Being Open to the Lord for Him to come in as Jehovah of Hosts, the Victorious Christ!

In Jer. 11:20 there is a very specific name ascribed to Jehovah, that is, Jehovah of hosts; He is the Mighty One, the Lord of all the heavenly host, the King of glory, the One who is strong and mighty, the victorious and coming Christ, the One who has authority to rule over all the […]
Living in the Divine History within Human History for the Manifestation of Christ

This week we are enjoying a wonderful topic, The Continuation of the Book of Acts – Living in the Divine History within Human History. We will see, in a way, a synopsis of the book of Acts in its intrinsic significance and its organic reality. Our prayer should be that the Lord would open our […]
Christ as King will Reign on Earth with the Overcomers as His Helpers in the Kingship

I never thought that Psalm 45 is so much related to the way for us to be prepared as the bride of Christ, but this psalm is very high and wonderful, for in it we see the psalmist’ praise of the Lord as the King in Himself, in the church (as the queen), and in […]
Our Aspiration to be Revived is fulfilled only by Christ as the Life-Giving Spirit

For the next few weeks we will be getting into the matter of the need for a new revival. We need to be poor in spirit before the Lord, pure in heart toward Him, and have a turned heart to the Lord so that we may see the vision of the new revival, have the […]
God will shake all things and Christ as the Desire of the nations will come

Christ is the desire of all the nations. Hag. 2:7 says, And I will shake all the nations, and the Desire of all the nations will come. God is continually shaking everything that can be shaken until Christ as the Desire of all the nations will come. Without knowing it, every human being desires Christ. […]