Christ is the desire of God’s heart, for God desires that every person and thing in the universe would express Christ; we exist for the expression of Christ, and Christ is the reality of every positive thing in the universe. Hallelujah! This week we start a new Holy Word for Morning Revival inspired from […]
Christ is the Desire of God’s Heart – we are here for the Expression of Christ!
How we can Cooperate with the Divine Trinity to Bring in the Kingdom of God on Earth

1 and 2 Samuel are crucial for the bringing in of the kingdom; there was a desperate need for one like Samue who was one with God, according to God’s heart, and who cared for God’s people to the extent that he didn’t want his own kingdom or monarchy but rather wanted to bring […]
The Body of Christ can either Express Christ or Limit Him in what He wants to do

In order for His will to be done on earth and for His eternal purpose to be fulfilled among us, God needs our cooperation; the Body of Christ can either express Christ or limit Him in what He wants to do. Oh, Lord! How much we need the Lord’s shining on the way we live, […]
Seeing the Progressive Revelation of God in the Bible and Seeking God to Gain God

Job and his friends probably lived in the age of Abraham, and the revelation of God in the Bible was in its primitive stage at that time; Job’s real need is God Himself, and God’s dealings with him were so that he would be stripped of his self-attainments and be emptied to seek God deeper […]
Being Men according to God’s Heart caring for the Body as the Enlargement of Christ

God’s great will in His New Testament economy is to have a Body for the enlargement and expression of Christ, the embodiment of the processed Triune God; it is for Him to gain the church as the enlargement and expression of God. This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Living […]
God, Man, and the Existence of the Universe are for God’s Purpose to have the Church

Everything and everyone in the universe, including God, man, the planets, the air, the water, the animals, and everything else is according to God’s eternal purpose to have the church. The existence of the church is for God’s purpose to have the church. All things were and were created for God’s will, His purpose, and […]
Ezekiel 1 unveils God’s Desire to be Expressed Corporately in Christ and His Body

Ezekiel 1, the deepest chapter in the whole Bible, unveils to us the desire of God’s heart and the purpose He wants to accomplish; in this chapter we see that God obtains a corporate expression of Himself in Christ and His Body, that is, the Man on the throne and the four living creatures on […]