What God desires to gain in this age is the church, and this week we want to see the original condition of the church, the degradation of the church, and the recovery of the church. According to Ephesians and to the experience of all those who seek God, there’s something hidden in the heart of […]
The Recovery of the Church in Relation to God’s Intention and Satan’s Destruction
The Church in Thyatira Prefigures the Roman Catholic Church, the Apostate Church

This week in our prayerful study of how to return to the orthodoxy of the church we come to the Lord’s word to the church in Thyatira, which is a sign prefiguring the Roman Catholic Church which was formed as the apostate church. Even though we are not here to make an exposition of Revelation […]
The Eschatology of the Church: the Degradation of the Church and the Recovered Church

The Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself for our sins that we might be rescued out of the present evil age according to the will of our God and Father (Gal. 1:4). This present evil age is not merely the outward material secular world, which is definitely evil, corrupted, immoral, and bad, but the present religious […]
Overcoming the Worldliness in the Degraded Church by Eating Christ as the Hidden Manna

Only the Lord sees and knows our real situation and our true condition. Christ as the High Priest is constantly walking (not running, but walking) among the local churches, He sees their situation, and He speaks a specific word to each of the churches. Through His speaking to the churches, the Lord trims away anything […]
Christ in Revelation 1: Feet like Bronze, Loud Voice, and Holding 7 Stars in His Hand

The Lord Jesus is the most wonderful Person in the universe, and throughout the Bible we see so many of His aspects and characteristics. When He was on the earth, His walk among men was full of life and light, and people were comfortable in His presence, enjoying His speaking, and benefiting from His works. […]
through the church as the Zion today God will turn the whole earth to Himself
In the local churches and in the proper church life we as God’s servants “take pleasure in her stones” – we learn to take pleasure in all the saints, the stones in God’s building. We all are stones as building materials for the church (1 Pet. 2:5). We should take pleasure in all the members of the church. When we experience the resurrected Christ, we will see more than the natural features of others, and we will treasure all the other stones. Yes, others may have some peculiarities, but Christ as the stone element is in them, and we also have Christ as the stone in us! Praise the Lord for all the stones. [read more online]
the two functions of the truth: the truth sets us free and the truth sanctifies us!
Something wonderful, mysterious, and organic happens when we pray-read the word of God: we are freed and released, we are separated and saturated with God, and we walk in truth, that is, we walk according to the Spirit!