In order for us to build up the church as the Body of Christ, there is the need for spiritual warfare; though many do not see this, spiritual warfare is needed in every step of the building up of the church, and this warfare is based on the victory of Christ. Hallelujah, Christ has […]
Spiritual Warfare for the Building up of the Church is Based on the Victory of Christ
The Church as the Bride and the Warrior needs the Beautifying and Slaying Word of God

The church is both the bride and the warrior, and we need the beautifying word of God to be the bride of Christ and the slaying word of God to be His corporate warrior fighting with Him against the enemy. Amen! As we are approaching the end of this age, we need to be […]
God needs a Corporate Warrior fighting to Subdue Satan’s Will and bring in God’s Kingdom

Spiritual warfare is necessary because Satan’s will is set against God’s will; as the church, we fight to subdue the satanic will, and Satan is terrified of the church as the Body of Christ, the corporate warrior fighting against him and his kingdom! Amen! What God is looking after today is not only many […]
The Church is both the Bride presented to Christ and the Corporate Warrior of God

Our desire and yearning is that we would be the bride of Christ, the overcoming ones in this age; one aspect of the bride is that she is a warrior, for the church is both the bride and the corporate warrior to defeat God’s enemy. When we think of a bride, we think of utmost […]
Fighting as a Corporate Warrior for God’s People to enjoy the All-inclusive Christ

The church is a corporate warrior fighting for all of God’s people to enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive good land. The good land of Canaan has two aspects: on one hand it is a type of the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches for us to enjoy, and on the other, it signifies the aerial […]
Numbers is a Book of Victory and Glory: God is Forming an Army to Fight for His Interest

This week we come to the first part of the Crystallisation-Study of Numbers, and the title is simply, Being Formed into an Army to Fight with God for His Interest on Earth. Today we want to see that the book of Numbers doesn’t speak merely of the wanderings and repeated failures of the children of Israel, […]
As the Church we Stand with God’s Will to subdue Satan’s will and Defeat God’s enemy

Spiritual warfare is necessary because Satan’s will is set against God’s will, and we human beings need to be joined in our will with God’s will to defeat and destroy Satan and bring in the kingdom of God on earth. Since the rebellion of Satan, now there is another will in the universe, a will […]