Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom Victoriously to be the Riders of the White Horse

The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations before the end of this age; the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, as signified by the white horse of the first seal in Rev. 6, will be a sign of the consummation of […]

Disciple the Nations by Teaching New Believers God’s Economy: the Lord is with us!

Today we go to disciple all the nations by teaching new believers God’s New Testament economy, having the assurance that the Lord is with us until the consummation of this age! The great commission the Lord gave us is to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the Triune God, and teaching them to observe […]

The Lord is with us until the Consummation of the Age, the End of the Age of Mystery

Praise the Lord, His promise is to be with us until the consummation of the age! This age is the age of mystery, and the Lord is with us in a mysterious, hidden, invisible way, until the consummation of this age! Hallelujah! This week in our morning enjoyment we come to a new Holy Word […]