How we thank and praise the Lord that today we as believers have received the Spirit as the blessing that God promised Abraham for all the nations, and we can drink the cup of blessing! In Abraham’s seed all the nations will be blessed; this means that in Christ as the Spirit, all nations are […]
Receiving the Spirit as the Promised Blessing and Enjoying the Cup of Blessing
What we Experience when we Live in the Divine and Mystical Realm of the Spirit

It is very important what realm we live in. These days we are all praying and looking to the Lord to save so many of these refugees from the Arab world in Europe, and there are many reports on how the Lord is moving, gaining, saving, baptizing, and bringing them into the church life so […]
Being in the Realm of Oneness by Exercising our Spirit to be Mingled with the Spirit

There’s very much confusion today concerning the church, and it seems that most believers join the church of their preference, since there are so many options out there. But in the beginning, it was not so! We need to return to the Lord’s word in the New Testament and see the basic principle concerning the […]
Living in and Experiencing the Consummated Spirit as the Divine and Mystical Realm

By regeneration we enter into a new realm: the realm of the Spirit, the realm in which we have the Triune God processed and consummated to be the Spirit as our everything. All believers in Christ have the privilege to breathe in God as the Spirit and to be in the Spirit as the realm […]
The Consummated Spirit is the Divine and Mystical Realm into which We Enter and Live

It is amazing to realize that, in His economy, God went through a process in order to become the consummated Spirit, what the Bible calls, “the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:17; John 7:39; Rev. 22:17). In His Godhead, in His person, and in His purpose, God can never change; but in His economy one day God […]
The Consummated Spirit as the Breath is Everything to us in Living the Christian Life

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor. 3:17). How can we touch and enjoy God today? It is by exercising our spirit to touch and enjoy God in Christ as Spirit. Where and what is God today? God is in Christ, and Christ […]
Christ became the Spirit to Breathe Himself into us: Receive the Holy Breath!

One of the most crucial points of the major items of the Lord’s recovery today is the consummated Spirit, what the Bible calls, “the Spirit” (John 7:39; Rev. 22:17). The matter of the consummated Spirit is also one of the most neglected and misused matters in today’s Christianity. God dwells in unapproachable light, and no […]