To live with the Divine Trinity is to have the resurrected Christ living in us; in our Christian life, we are under the killing of Christ’s death by the indwelling Spirit and through our outward environment so that we may experience the Spirit as the reality of the resurrected Christ. Amen! This week in […]
Our Environment Cooperates with the Spirit to have the Resurrected Christ Living in us
Deny the self and Apply the Killing Power of the Cross to our Natural Disposition under the Lord’s Shining

The Spirit is operating in us and around us to deal with our outer man, our self, our natural disposition, by the killing element of the cross in the compound Spirit, by the discipline of the Holy Spirit, by the shining of Christ as the Spirit, and by the church life, fruit-bearing, and lamb-feeding. May […]
The Compound Spirit applies the Killing of Christ’s Death to us for our Transformation

In order for us to be transformed, that is, to be transferred from the form of the old man to the form of the new man, we need to experience the killing of Christ’s death in the compound Spirit in our spirit. On one hand, we need to turn our heart to the Lord and […]
Christ in His Humanity is the Seed of Abraham for us to Enjoy God’s Promised Blessing

How amazing it is to realize that in His humanity as the seed of Abraham, Christ was crucified and became a curse on our behalf to redeem us out of the curse of the law so that we may enjoy God’s promised blessing! Hallelujah! In Galatians the Apostle Paul skilfully and wonderfully brought in these […]
The Supply of the Body is the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ

The supply of the Body of Christ is the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, typified by the compound ointment, the holy anointing oil; the compound Spirit is in and for the Body and for the priestly service that build up the Body. This week we come to three further principles of the […]
Knowing this Age and Knowing the Spirit of God in the Move of God’s Eternal Economy

Our God is a moving God, and if we are going to cooperate with the Lord to carry out His move in His economy, we must know this age and know the Spirit of God. In a particular way, we must know the age of today’s Christianity in relation to the revelation of the Bible, […]
The Spirit Anoints us for God’s Building and as the Cloud He Leads and Guides us

After the tabernacle was erected in the wilderness, Moses anointed every piece of furnishing and all the priests for service with the holy anointing oil, as per God’s instructions; in the church as the house of God we have the Spirit anointing us as the anointing oil, and He is leading and guiding us just […]