In Psalm 133 we see the praise of a saint in his going up to Zion concerning Jehovah’s commanded blessing of life on brothers who dwell together in oneness; this dwelling in oneness is like the inestimable goodness and the incalculable pleasantness. Hallelujah, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together […]
Saints’ Dwelling in Oneness is like Inestimable Goodness and Incalculable Pleasantness
Experiencing the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Compound Spirit

How wonderful it is to realize that we are joined to the Lord as one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17)! A Christian is one who has God in Christ as the Spirit dwelling in him, and he is one spirit with the Lord. The Spirit today is with our spirit, witnessing that we are children of […]
being anointed and graced as we remain the church life on the ground of oneness

The oneness which the believers have in the Body of Christ is not a man-made oneness and is not produced by adding the believers together for a common purpose. Rather, the oneness the believers have in the Body is the processed Triune God as the Spirit applied to their being. Such a oneness is organic […]
the application of the heavenly “paint” brings us into the genuine oneness

It is the Lord’s mercy that we would see what real oneness in the Body of Christ is. The real oneness among the believers is not according to preference, taste, disposition, or culture, but it is the mingling of the processed Triune God with the believers. The oneness revealed in the whole New Testament is […]
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in oneness!
What is is so good about the church life? What is it so good about brothers living together? It is the Triune God! Here we are fellow partakers, joint partakers, of the grace of life! We don’t insist on being right, but we obey the teaching of the anointing within (1 John 2:27) which teaches us to abide in Him! No matter what you say / what happens, the Triune God paints you with all the elements that are compounded in the Spirit! You may insist on something – as long as you’re in the church life, you are painted, and the ingredients of the processed and consummated Triune God are applied to you! [continue reading this portion online – inspired from message 10 in the 2011 winter training]
The function of the compound Spirit is to anoint us with all the elements of the compound ointment!
We have seen what the ingredients and the components of the holy anointing ointment are – the only God with divinity, the Triune God(the Father, the Son, and the Spirit), man(the creature of God), the precious death of Christ, the sweetness and effectiveness of Christ’s death, the precious resurrection of Christ, the power of Christ’s […]
the precious death of Christ and the sweetness & effectiveness of His death are in the Compound Spirit!
Christ as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit today is the compound Spirit – He has been “compounded” with all the elements He picked up in the process He went through. In Exodus 30:23-25 we see that there was an anointing oil being compounded according to the work of a compounder – a holy anointing oil which […]