Our God is moving – He has a particular move in every age, and today even if our gospel preaching is adequate, our Bible teaching is accurate, and our meetings are scriptural, we need to ask ourselves, Lord, do we have the ultimate move of God among us? We may preach the gospel – even […]
The World Situation is for the Ultimate Move of God and for His Ultimate Recovery
Our Lord is a Lord of Completion, and we’re under the Completing Ministry in His Word

To the church in Sardis the Lord says that He found none of their works completed before His God (Rev. 3:2); none of the works of the reformed Protestant churches are completed before God, but He is a Lord of completion, and He requires completion (Phil. 1:6). The One who has the seven Spirits of […]
John’s Ministry was a Mending Ministry (from a Son of Thunder to a Person of Life)

In a real and practical sense, the New Testament ministry is the completing ministry of Paul and the mending ministry of John. Peter, Jude, Luke, James, Mark, and others had also their portion, but the main ones are Paul with his completing ministry and John with his mending ministry. Paul unveiled to us the great […]
Letting the Lord to Saturate our Soul to Transform us for the Building up of the Body

Our growth in the divine life equals our being transformed, and it is for the building up of the Body of Christ. In 1 Cor. 3:6, 9, 12-13 we see that Paul equals God’s cultivated land (God’s farm) with God’s building. This shows us that we start out as plants in God’s cultivated land, but […]
Paying the Price to Have Oil in our Vessel by Being Transformed in our Soul

What is the real growth in the divine life? What does it mean to grow in life? How can we cooperate with the Lord so that His life in us may grow? On the one hand, one thing we should definitely do is enjoy the Lord every day, pray-read the Bible, call on the name […]
Being Transformed by Enjoying the Bountiful Spirit and By Conversing with the Lord

As believers in Christ we are today in the process of transformation by enjoying the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:19-21). Our transformation is not determined by the environment, the sufferings, or the outward things; rather, as we enjoy the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, there’s a metabolic […]
Turning our Heart to the Lord to be Metabolically Transformed into His Image

In 2 Cor. 3:16-18 Paul speaks of the process of transformation, how we are being transformed into the same image as Christ from glory to glory. May we be those who continually turn their heart to the Lord so that any veil would be taken away! When we read the Bible, do we see the […]