The Bible is the complete divinely inspired word of God, His letter written to us with the help of men who were borne of the Holy Spirit, and every book in the Bible is God’s speaking, focusing on God’s economy, His eternal plan. In His sovereignty, God has allowed certain books to be in the […]
Paul’s Gospel concerns Christ as the Spirit Living in us and the Body of Christ
Having a Clear View of Paul’s Gospel – the Gospel according to Paul in Romans

As believers in Christ we need to enter into the contents and essence of the Gospel; we need to know what the gospel is, and through such an entering in, we would receive a commission to preach the gospel. Many people know that there are four gospels, but not many know that Paul has a […]
Paul’s gospel is the complete gospel, including all the aspects of the four gospels
Praise the Lord, the gospel is not about an outward historical Christ but it concerns the Triune God being processed and consummated through Christ’s incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, to become the life-giving, all-inclusive, compounded, indwelling Spirit who mingles Himself with our spirit to accomplish in us God’s purpose in creating man. This is what Paul’s gospel reveals, and his Epistles form the heart of the divine revelation in the New Testament, the center of the New Testament. [continue reading this portion of enjoyment online + add your comment to it]
the complete gospel of God as revealed in the book of Romans, God’s full salvation
The book of Romans is many times called “The Gospel of God”, since it presents the full gospel according to Paul. Here we see not just the fact that we are sinners in need of God’s redemption, but also that after being regenerated we are much more saved in His life, we are being daily […]