It is so enlightening to realise that the place where we meet with God, as typified by the propitiation place, is Christ Himself; whenever God meets us and speaks with us, Christ is present, and He’s the redeeming and shining Christ. It is not a small thing for us to know how to come to […]
Meeting with God in the Redeeming and Shining Christ by Applying the Blood of Christ
We Realize that we are Sinful, we Take Christ as our Sin Offering, and we’re Subdued

As we fellowship with the Lord in a living, genuine, and loving way, He as light shines on us, and we realize that we are sinful and thus we take Christ as our sin offering. God has made a provision for us to come to Him and contact Him – the sacrifice of Jesus on […]
by the blood of Christ we are redeemed, forgiven, and we enjoy God in the Holy of Holies!
Hallelujah for the precious blood of the Lamb! This morning I was filled with appreciation for the blood of Jesus Christ – an eternal blood (since He offered Himself to God through the eternal Spirit), an efficacious blood, a prevailing blood, and a speaking blood! His blood speaks more than the blood of Abel (which spoke […]
The results of the fellowship of life: we enjoy God, we walk in the light, and we bear much fruit for God!
The fellowship of life is something so precious and so vital – it is the flow of the divine life in us and among us. When we have the fellowship of life, we are enlightened by the Lord’s light to see our sins and then we confess them to God – and His blood cleanses […]