In order for us as believers in Christ to enter into the oneness in the divine glory, the corporate expression of God, we must thoroughly deal with the self, dealing with the sin that issues from within man’s self, which is the enemy of the Body of Christ. On the positive side, we need […]
We need to be Cleansed from Sin and Thoroughly Deal with the Self to Live in the Body
God’s Prescription to Deal with the Leprosy in the House to Heal and Renew the Church

In Lev. 14:33-57 we see the leprosy in the house, which signifies the sins and evils in the church; there may be leprosy in the church, and the Lord wants to heal it for the church to be the house of the living God in reality. The disease of leprosy is a very ugly and […]
Dealing with the Self and the Natural Life through the Cross for our Full Cleansing

In order for us to be cleansed from sin and rebellion, we need to be those dealing with the self and deal with every part of our natural life and daily walk, taking this seriously and being before the Lord to be dealt with by the cross. In Lev. 14 we see the cleansing of […]
The Lord’s Redemption Cleanses us and brings us to Experience Christ in Resurrection

It is quite astounding to see the Lord’s redemption and the saving power in His resurrection in the type of the cleansing of the leper in Lev. 14. Because Satan rebelled against God, there is another party in this universe besides God who sins and is full of rebellion. Because of the fall of man, […]
Christ’s All-inclusive Salvation Cleanses us and Heals us from Spiritual Leprosy

The cleansing of the leper in Leviticus 14 portrays the rich, complete, and extensive salvation God has prepared and accomplished for us in Christ – this is an all-inclusive salvation! Hallelujah, we who are born in sin and rebellion, who are leprous to the core, even we can be cleansed and healed by the Lord’s […]
Spiritual Leprosy issues from Rebellion and Sin, but we can be Healed from Leprosy

This week in our Crystallization-Study of Leviticus (2) we come to the matter of the cleansing of leprosy, and today we want to see that leprosy signifies the serious sin issuing from man, being the issue of man’s rebellion. There’s a great relevance in the Lord’s word concerning leprosy, especially in this age that we […]