The church is the house of God, even the household of God, the house of the living God, an organic entity that grows and expands to express the Triune God on earth. Hallelujah for the church! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic, The Function of the Church (1) The […]
The Church is the House of God and the Household of God – the Church is of God!
As the Church of God in Christ Jesus we Stand upon Grace and Receive Grace upon Grace

A genuine church is based upon the grace given to it in Christ Jesus; this grace is not given to the church based on the spirituality of the church but in Christ Jesus, and we receive grace as our base and stand upon grace to receive grace upon grace. Hallelujah! A very simple and […]
In God’s eyes there is only one Church kept in a Practical, Sevenfold Oneness in God

According to the divine revelation in the Bible, in this universe there is only one church, which is spreading on earth as the many local churches – all these churches have a sevenfold oneness, being one in the processed and now-dispensing Triune God. It is so good to come back to the word of God […]
The Unique Ground of the Church – one Church in one City – in the Genuine Oneness

When speaking of the church, we first need to see its nature, and then we need to see the unique ground of the church, which is the genuine ground of oneness; in practicality, as the New Testament reveals, there is only one church in one city. This week in our morning revival we come to […]
Receiving and Dispensing Grace through the Blood, the Word, the Spirit, and the Church

We thank and praise the Lord for saving us through His grace; even while we were sinners He showed us mercy and grace, and when we heard the gospel, faith was generated into us and we believed into the wonderful person of Christ, who is so full of grace and reality. Now our Christian life […]
The Local Ground of the Church is the Oneness of the Body Practiced in the Local Churches

This week we are enjoying the spiritual significance and application of the local ground of the church. In the church life in the Lord’s recovery, we have been brought back to God’s original intention, which is to have the Body of Christ as His expression, and the universal Body of Christ is expressed in each […]
The Israel of God is the Church in the Triune God, the Church in the Processed God

The issue of knowing and experiencing God as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob is the Israel of God, the church in the Triune God (1 Thes. 1:1; Matt. 28:19). The issue of our experience of God as our source and Father (the God of Abraham), as the […]