Today the Lord desires to recover the subjective truths in the Holy Scriptures, and we as believers in Christ need to not only know the objective truths but even more, know, experience, and be absolute for the subjective truths so that we may experience Christ for the building up of the church. Amen! Both […]
The Church Life is an Issue of our Experience of the Subjective Truths in the Bible
Divine Government in the Church Life comes from the Throne of God by the Flow of Life and Grace

In the church life, there is a divine government, and this government comes from the throne of God and of the Lamb, flowing out to supply us with grace; the throne of God is the throne of grace to us in our experience today. According to the divine revelation in the New Testament, the authority […]
Online Fireside Chat 5 – Dealing with Financial Anxieties, Enjoying the Lord while in Chronic Pain, and Speaking the Gospel to those who are not open

In this fifth Online Fireside Chat, we have brothers Ken Mooney, Mark Ruthe, and Ray Mulligan sit down with us to give some responses to the questions the young adults and students have asked. It is so good to have fellowship and be in the Body of Christ, even during the covid19 pandemic, and to […]
The Meetings of the Church are Important, for we Meet to Know and Do the Will of God

For us to meet with the saints is to know and do the will of God; our purpose and goal on the earth is to do the Father’s will, and we do this by coming to the meetings of the church. This is our last week on the deeper study of the matter of, The […]
The Church Life is Christ Experienced and Expressed by All the Saints Corporately

After seeing a clear vision of the church and God’s threefold purpose for the church, we now come to the practice of the church and the crucial experiences we need in order to practice the church life today. The church is to have the full sonship to express God; the church is the corporate new […]
Building an Altar at Bethel and Realizing God’s All-Sufficiency in the Church Life

At his second coming to Bethel, Jacob built an altar there and called it El-Bethel, and God appeared to him and said to him, “I am the All-sufficient God” (Gen. 35:11). Previously, Jacob built an altar at Shechem, where he also pitched his tent and was settled for a while, having a life of ease. […]
the mysterious mingling of God with man is the oneness of the Body of Christ

In Ephesians 4:3-6 we see that we as believers in Christ already have the oneness – we just need to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace! Oneness is in our spirit and oneness actually is the mingling of the divine Spirit with our human spirit, the mingling of the […]