The kingdom of David typifies the coming kingdom of Christ; today we have the privilege to have God wrought into our being to make us His kingdom, His people, His habitation. Hallelujah! If we look around us today we see so much violence and corruption, and there seems to be no righteousness on earth […]
Having God Wrought into us for the Church and Hastening the Coming Kingdom of Christ
God’s Gospel is to Build God into man and man into God to gain a corporate God-man, the Body

Our gospel is the gospel of the sonship, which is the seed of David becoming the Son of God; God’s gospel speaks of the process of Christ being designated the firstborn Son of God in resurrection, and we being produced as the many sons of God to build up the Body of Christ. What a […]
Christ holds the Key of David to Build up the Church as the House of God and Kingdom of God

To the recovered church, the Lord is the One who has the key of David – He has the key of the kingdom with authority to open and shut; He builds up the church as the house of God and establishes the kingdom of God for God’s expression and representation in the church. Hallelujah! All […]
The Pattern of Nehemiah as the Perfect Leader who had Dispensational Value to God

We need to consider the pattern of Nehemiah; he was a true overcomer; he was a pattern of someone who has dispensational value to God, for he was properly aggressive for God and His people, he had a pure heart, he was not ambitious, and he was the perfect leader. We should consider an example […]
Being Properly Aggressive to Build up the Church as the House of God and City of God

A person who had dispensational value to God was Nehemiah, who was a true overcomer; he was a properly aggressive person before God for His people, and His proper aggressiveness was for the building of the city of God so that He may have a kingdom on earth. When Israel was taken into captivity for […]
The Issue of our Enjoyment of Christ is the Church as the Dwelling Place and City of God

The issue of our enjoyment of the all-inclusive riches of Christ as the good land is the church as the dwelling place of God (the reality of the temple) and as the kingdom of God (the reality of the city). Our enjoyment of Christ has to increase, expand, and be enlarged, so that we may […]
Enjoying God in His House, being Loaded with God as good, and Praising God

The second section of Psa. 68 speaks of the enjoyment of God in His house; in His house we are loaded with God as good (the good is God Himself as our salvation and everything), He delivers us, He gives us victory, and we praise the Lord! Hallelujah! In the first section of this psalm […]