As believers in Christ, we need to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our allotted portion in the light with all the saints. Christ as the preeminent and all-inclusive One is the allotted portion of the saints in the light for our experience and enjoyment, and when we’re in the light and even become light, we […]
Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as our Allotted Portion in the Light with the Saints
We Exercise our Spirit to be Built up in the Church as the Dwelling Place of God

The church is the house of God and the household of God – the church is the dwelling place of God, the place where He finds rest, puts His trust, and expresses Himself; we need to exercise our spirit to eat the Lord in His word to grow in life for the building up […]
Church is the House of the Living God; the Living God and the Living Church are One!

When Paul spoke of the church as the house of God, he said that God is the living God, and the church is the house of the living God; the living God lives in the church and is subjective to the church, and a living God and a living church live and move together […]
The Church is the House of God and the Household of God – the Church is of God!

The church is the house of God, even the household of God, the house of the living God, an organic entity that grows and expands to express the Triune God on earth. Hallelujah for the church! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic, The Function of the Church (1) The […]
How to Conduct Ourselves in the House of God: Headship of Christ and Healthy Teaching

As believers in Christ, we know how to conduct ourselves in the house of God, which is the church of the living God; we need to love the Word of God, respect the headship of Christ, bear the truth, take care of the healthy teaching, and live and act in our spirit so that […]
Taking Christ as our Head and being Transformed for the Church as the Kingdom of God

We need to be those taking Christ as our Head and being transformed into precious stones to be built up in the great and high wall for the church as the kingdom of God today. For us to build a great and high wall around the church for the safeguarding and protection of God’s […]
The Need for the Building of the Wall for the Protection of the Church as God’s House

There is a need for the building of the wall for the protection of the church as the house of God today. We need to build up the church as the house of God, the temple of God, and also as the city of God, the kingdom of God; we need to experience Christ […]