In Ezekiel 34 the Lord Himself comes as the Shepherd to search for His sheep and seek them out, bringing them back to Himself as the pasture, restoring them, recovering them, and healing them; to shepherd is to take all-inclusive tender care of the flock. This week in our Crystallization-study of the book of Ezekiel […]
The Lord comes as the Shepherd to Search for His Sheep and Bring them to Himself
Being One with Christ in His Heavenly Ministry to Shepherd God’s Flock, the Church

In the previous articles, we have seen what it means to shepherd according to God by taking a closer look at the pattern of the Lord Jesus and the pattern of the Apostle Paul. A pattern gives us a way practically how to do a certain thing, and the Lord Jesus lived out a God-man […]
The Lord Flocks us Together, Shepherds us, and Commissions us to Shepherd Others

The Lord Jesus Christ as the good Shepherd has formed the Jewish believers and the Gentile believers into one flock – the one church, the Body of Christ. God became a man and put on human nature, and He laid down His human life so that His sheep would receive and live by His divine […]
Christ Shepherds us by Being our Life and by Living in us; He Guides us into His Flock

The Lord Jesus is the good Shepherd, and He shepherds us by feeding us with Himself and in Himself as the pasture (see John 10:9-10). There are other shepherds, that’s true, but the Lord is the good Shepherd. He takes an all-inclusive tender care of His believers as His sheep. On the cross He tore […]
Christ Laid Down His Soul Life so that We may Enjoy His Divine Life for the Church

The entire Bible is a book of life, and the gospel of John in particular is a book focusing on God as life for God’s building. What is life? Life is the Triune God Himself. The Lord Jesus came that we may have life and may have it abundantly (John 10:10). He came that we […]