The Gospel of John reveals the subjective truth concerning the church, showing us the constituents of the church and the existence of the church in many pictures and types. Although the word church is not specifically used in the Gospel of John, the church is referred to in seven ways: the church is the many […]
Seeing the Subjective Truth concerning the Church unveiled in the Gospel of John
Exercise our Spirit and be one with the Lord to Receive and Speak God’s Word for His Increase

Hallelujah, we can exercise our spirit and be one with the Lord to receive and speak the word of God for His increase in us and in others! It is very important for us, believers in Christ, to realize that the regenerated part of our being is the multiplication and reproduction of Christ, the increase […]
The Church is both the Bride presented to Christ and the Corporate Warrior of God

Our desire and yearning is that we would be the bride of Christ, the overcoming ones in this age; one aspect of the bride is that she is a warrior, for the church is both the bride and the corporate warrior to defeat God’s enemy. When we think of a bride, we think of utmost […]
Being Faithful to Cooperate with God’s Ultimate Move by Standing for the Recovery

The ultimate move of God today is to have Christ enter into us to be our life so that we may become His living members as His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all; we need to cooperate with God’s ultimate move. We need to know what age we are in, […]
The Church as the Bride is a Corporate Army Fighting for God’s Interest on Earth

The church as the bride of Christ must also be a warrior to defeat God’s enemy, and Christ will return for his prepared bride and defeat God’s enemy. The church is composed of a group of people who are regenerated with the divine life, and they are built up on God’s life to be the […]
The Eternal Purpose of God the Father is to Gain the Church as a Bride for Christ

God’s eternal purpose and His eternal plan is to gain the church as a bride for His Son. In Genesis 24 we see the account of four persons working together to get Isaac and Rebekah married – this story is a type of the Triune God working in and on man to prepare man to […]
that they all may be one even as You Father are in Me and I in You! (university training)
This year’s University Training was thought-provoking and exposing, but most of all it was very enjoyable! Even though I missed the first three days I felt that I gained so many valuable points. Before going into the training I had so many questions and thoughts on my mind regarding my future and what the Lord wanted […]