In order for us to engage in spiritual warfare, we first need to see the vision that unveils Christ as the Captain of Jehovah’s army, even as Joshua did in Josh. 5:13-14. If we mean business with the Lord and He is merciful to us to show us His heart’s desire that we would enjoy […]
We follow Christ as the Captain of Jehovah’s army to Fight the Battle and Take the Land
Christ as our Real Joshua Leads us into Glory and Rest, and He Fights against the Flesh

Joshua is a type of Christ in many aspects; Christ as the real Joshua is the real Captain of our salvation leading us into glory and into the good land to rest and enjoy Christ, He is the grace replacing the law, and He is the present and practical Christ as the indwelling, fighting Spirit […]
Christ is the Captain of our Salvation and the Apostle and Builder of God’s House

What a wonderful Christ we have! In Hebrews we see that He’s the Creator, Upholder, and Heir of God’s creation, He destroyed the devil, He’s the Captain of our salvation into glory, and He is the Apostle and Builder of God’s house. Hallelujah for our wonderful Christ! He is the word of God to be […]
Christ is Fully Qualified and Able to be our Merciful and Faithful High Priest

Our Christ is a merciful and faithful High Priest (Heb. 2:17); He is fully qualified to be such a High Priest because He is both the Son of God with divinity and the Son of Man with humanity. Many believers know Christ only as their Lord and Savior, and they treasure the four Gospels and […]
The Ascended Christ as our Divine High Priest is Able to Save us to the Uttermost

In His ascension Christ is the High Priest – He is the kingly High Priest for His ministry and He is the divine High Priest for saving us. As the divine High Priest, Christ is full of life, living, and able to continue His priesthood perpetually; as such a One, He is saving us to […]