We praise and thank the Lord for giving us the blood of the covenant to enable us to serve the living God, and we want to allow the fire that comes from God to burn in us and on us in our service to Him. Without the blood of Christ freshly applied to our being, […]
The Blood of the Covenant Enables us to Serve God with the Divine Fire Indwelling us
God is a Consuming Fire, Christ cast Fire on Earth, and the Spirit is a Burning Flame

The source of our service must be God, and the basis of our work must be the fire from the altar. In serving God we need to have not only the proper source (which is God Himself) but also the proper basis, the basic principle of our work. If we don’t have the proper basis, […]
The Church is a Corporate Thornbush Burning with the Triune God of Resurrection

The God who called Moses and the God who calls us is the Triune God of resurrection. This means that the church today is the corporate thornbush burning with the Triune God of resurrection. The God who called Moses was the God of his fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the […]
The Church is Glorious: it is a Corporate Thornbush Indwelt by the Triune God!

In God’s eyes and in Moses’ understanding, the people of Israel were a corporate thornbush as the dwelling place of God as the divine fire burning within and upon them. God redeemed them (Exo. 13:14-16), sanctified them (Exo. 13:2), transformed them, and built them up to become the reality of the tabernacle, the dwelling place […]
The Divine Economy: the Church is the Triune God Burning within Redeemed Humanity!

God’s desire is to obtain a dwelling place; the heavens are His throne, the earth is His footstool, but where is the man in which He is pleased to dwell? God dwells in man – His dwelling place is in our mingled spirit today (Eph. 1:21-22). The thornbush in Exo. 3 and the tabernacle later […]
Individually and Corporately we are a Thornbush Burning with the Triune God as Fire

This week we are having a closer look at the matter of the burning thornbush in Exodus; there is much more than meets the eye concerning the matter of the burning bush in Exo. 3, since even at the end of his life, Moses still recalls God as the One who dwells in the burning […]
Seeing the Church as a Corporate Thornbush Burning with the God of Resurrection

The vision of the burning thornbush impressed Moses and stayed with him throughout his life, so that at the end of his life as he was speaking his departing words and he was blessing the children of Israel he said, ….With the choicest things of the earth, and the fullness thereof, and the favor of […]