As believers in Christ, we need God to build Christ into our intrinsic constitution so that our entire being will be reconstituted with Christ; only in this way can we build up the church and can we be built up as the church. This week in our morning revival on the crystallization study of […]
We need God to Build Christ into our Intrinsic Constitution for the Building up of the Church
A High View of the Church as the Father’s House, the Divine-Human Incorporation

The church is the house of God, the household of God, and as such the church is the Father’s house. The Lord Jesus was zealous for the Father’s house (see John 2:16-21) and He spoke at length in John 14 concerning the many abodes in the Father’s house. Contrary to the traditional and religious understanding […]
The Bible is about Life and Building; God is seeking a building, and we are saved for God’s building!
In the entire Bible we see that God is seeking a building. The very first vision in the Bible, which sets the principle for all the following visions in the Bible, is Jacob’s dream in Gen. 28 – a vision of Bethel, God’s dwelling place. All the spiritual visions in the Scriptures are with God’s […]
God desires to have as His dwelling place a group of people into whom He can enter and dwell
Where does God dwell today? Does He dwell in the heavens? Is the earth His dwelling place? God who created all things, who is over all, in all, and through all – where does He dwell? In the book of Isaiah we see something marvelous being revealed concerning God’s desire to dwell not in the […]