This week we’re in the last of the six portions of enjoyment on, The Increase of Christ for the Building up of the Church, and the title of this week is simply, The Increase of Christ for God’s Building. In order for Christ to have the increase of Himself in God’s economy, He must create […]
The Central Vision of the Bible: the Increase of the Triune God is for God’s Building
The Ark of the Testimony Typifies Christ as the Embodiment and Testimony of God

We are now returning to the crystallization-study of Exodus (the third part), focusing mainly on the last 16 chapters of Exodus. These last 16 chapters are a test of whether we truly have a heart seeking after God and His economy. Many Christians tend to skip the last 16 chapters of Exodus (after they read […]
Seeing that the Building up of the Church as God’s House Depends on the Priesthood

The greatest prophecy in the Bible is that uttered by the Lord Jesus in Matt. 16:18, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. God’s goal is the building, and the unique work Christ is doing today is to build up the church as the Body of Christ, the […]
Today God is Doing only One Thing in this Universe: Building His Eternal Habitation

In this universe today God is doing only one work: He is building His eternal habitation. In the past, God carried out the work of creation (in six days He created the heavens and the earth, see Genesis 1-2) and the work of salvation (in 33.5 years Christ accomplished redemption and brought in salvation, see […]
Growing in Life and Being Transformed to Become Precious Materials for God’s Building

God’s purpose to have man as His expression and representation on earth is fulfilled in the way of life. Firstly, God in Christ is the tree of life for man to take in, enjoy, and partake of so that man may have God’s life and may grow in life. Secondly, God in Christ as the […]
God’s accomplishments on the bridge of time from creation to the building
![God's accomplishments on the bridge of time from creation to the building [in the picture: the serene Greenwich]](
John chapter 1 is an amazing chapter, speaking of at least five major things that God accomplished as He stepped out of eternity and onto the bridge of time. First of all, in the beginning, when there was no time, there was the Word with God and as God. You can’t explain how He was, […]
Christ is the cornerstone building us up as living stones in God’s building

In Psalm 118 we see how Christ as the stone which the builders have rejected has become the head of the corner, even the chief cornerstone (Psa. 118:22). The thanksgiving of God’s elect for God’s goodness and the everlasting lovingkindness are both leading to Christ as the cornerstone for God’s building. The cornerstone is the […]