As believers in Christ who love Him and work for God today in the church life, we need to participate in God’s building so that He may gain a mutual constitution – the constitution of the divine element into the human element and of the human element into the divine element. Amen! God’s unique desire […]
We should Participate in God’s Building – the Mutual Constitution of God and Man
Christ was Rejected by Man but was made by God to be Cornerstone for God’s building

This week we are enjoying and prayerfully considering the matter of, Christ as the Stone-Savior Producing Living Stones for God’s Building; Christ is the cornerstone for God’s building. When Peter spoke in Acts 4 his second gospel message, he said that the man they just healed was healed by Jesus Christ, who is the stone […]
Seeing and Experiencing the Glory of God in the Building of God (the Gospel of John)

In the gospel of John we see the glory of God in the building of God – first, the glory of God was manifested in Christ, the tabernacle of God with man, and then we were included in the divine-human incorporation in Christ’s resurrection! The governing vision in this book is life and building; life […]
God’s Purpose is to have a Building as a Mingling of Himself with His Chosen People

This week in the morning revival we come to the last section of Ezekiel which focuses on God’s building; God’s eternal purpose is to have a building as a mingling of Himself with His chosen people, and all He does on earth is for His building. From the very beginning, when He created man, God […]
Allowing the Uniting Spirit to Cross us and Join us to other Believers in the Body

The oneness the Lord Jesus prayed for in John 17 is seen in picture in the tabernacle in Exo. 26 in three main steps: the three gold rings on the standing boards, the gold overlaying the boards, and the uniting bars that joined all the boards. The Lord prayed that we all may be one […]
Only when we are Built and Coordinated into the Building can we Serve the Lord

As believers in Christ we are both living stones being built up into a spiritual house and a priesthood that is built up and coordinated into the building of God. In Exodus we see that the goal of God delivering His people from Egypt, bringing them across the Red Sea, giving them heavenly food and drink in […]
Seeing that Life and Building are the Basic and Central Revelation of the Bible

The entire Bible speaks of life and building, and when we look at the priesthood in the book of Exodus we realize that it is inseparable from the building of God. As one of the hymns says, holy priests are living stones (see Hymns #849). The building in the type of the tabernacle and the […]