The Lord’s recovery brings us back to the unique ministry of the New Testament; this ministry has many wonderful characteristics, and the issue of being under such a ministry is that we are betrothed to the Lord Jesus, we are for the building up of the Body, we are sanctified, we function in our measure, […]
Characteristics of the Unique Ministry of the New Testament, the Ministry of the Age
The Beauty of the Bride comes from the Christ Wrought into and Expressed in the Church

For the presentation of the bride of Christ to Himself as the Bridegroom, the bride needs beauty; this beauty is nothing else but Christ wrought into us to be lived out of us and be expressed through us. There are many aspects of the bride, but what matters on the wedding day is that the […]
Grow unto Maturity in life and be Built up to be Prepared as the Bride of Christ

The readiness of the bride of Christ depends on the maturity in life of the overcomers, and in addition to being mature in life, the bride must be built up as a corporate person. There is a difference between the bride of Christ in Rev. 19 and the wife of Christ in Rev. 21 and […]
The Lord’s Recovery is for the Producing of the Overcomers, the Bride of Christ

The issue of the completion of God’s New Testament economy is the marriage of the Lamb, and the Lord’s recovery is for the preparation of the bride of Christ, who is composed of all His overcomers. This week in our morning revival, the last week on the general topic of, A Timely Word concerning the […]
We Serpentine People are in the Process of Transformation into the Bride of Christ

The Bible shows us that the serpentine people (that’s us!) are becoming the universal increase of the unlimited Christ by the immeasurable Spirit with the eternal life. Hallelujah! The Bible begins and ends with a couple: in the beginning we see Adam and Eve, and at the end we see the Spirit and the bride. […]
Growing in Life to be Delivered from the Serpent’s Poison and become Christ’s Bride

In looking at the matter of the bronze serpent lifted up in the wilderness in Num. 21, we realise that the entire Bible speaks of this matter of the serpent and the bride, and the Bible ends with the marriage of the Spirit and the Bride and the defeat of the serpent. Hallelujah, we who […]
The serpent and the Bride: how we as Satan’s Increase are Becoming Christ’s Increase

In John 3 we see the serpent and the bride; though we were bitten by the serpent and are serpentine in nature, Christ came and was lifted up as our Substitute, bore God’s judgment for us, and we can believe in Him to become part of His increase, His bride. Wow, what a marvelous plan […]