When the Lord breaks our outer man with our Natural Disposition, our Spirit will Flow

May the Lord have mercy on us and have a way to break our outer man with our natural disposition so that we no longer live according to it but rather, our spirit will flow out to minister life to others; with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. The more […]

Our Mind, Emotion, and Will are Subjective Obstacles to God’s Life being Lived in us

It is wonderful to realize that we as believers in Christ have God’s life in us, but we need to realize that our very person is an obstacle for the living out of God’s life; our mind, emotion, and will are subjective obstacles to God’s life in us. Our Christian life is a matter of […]

To Minister Life is to have the Outflow of Life through the Exercise of our Spirit

As those who serve the Lord in spirit and in the church, we need to be deeply impressed with the necessity of being able to minister life (see 1 John 5:11-16), that is, to have an outflow of life. What we need in the church life is not more great gifts, talented people, or greater […]

Becoming the Same as Christ and Reaching Maturity by Having our Will Subdued

The deepest longing in the Lord’s heart is to have a counterpart that would match Him in every way. In the Song of Songs we see how we, sinners and strangers from the promises of God, pass through a process of transformation and maturity to become the duplication of Christ, “the Shulammite”, to match Him […]

Everything that Happens to us is Under God’s Sovereignty for our Transformation

In Abraham we see God’s justification, in Isaac we see God’s grace, and in Jacob we see transformation. Abraham lived in fellowship with God and was justified by God, Isaac enjoyed God’s grace throughout his life, and Jacob lived a life under God’s transforming hand for God’s building. God gave Jacob a dream at Bethel, […]

We need to Experience the Breaking of the Outer Man for the Release of God’s Life

Every believer in Christ needs to experience the breaking of the outer man for the release of the life of God in his spirit (Heb. 4:12). When we received the Lord Jesus into us, He as the Spirit came into our human spirit and now dwells in us; the Lord is with our spirit (2 […]

God has to Break our Natural Life; He has to Touch our Natural Life in a Drastic Way

In Genesis 32:22-32 we see a vital and crucial experience in the life of Jacob – his being broken. Before then, he passed through a long process of supplanting, cheating his brother and dad, running away from his home for fear of his life, working for Laban for 20 years (7 years for Leah, 7 […]