The Lord Jesus came as the bread of life, and we can eat Him in His word; the means for us to receive the Lord as the bread of life is the word of life – we need to exercise our spirit to pray over God’s word and digest the word so that we may […]
Daily Enjoy the Life-giving Spirit in the Word to Eat Christ as the Bread of Life
We need to Eat the Lord’s Flesh and Drink His Blood to have Life within Ourselves

In John 6:51 the Lord said not only that He is the living bread for us to eat but that the bread He gives is His flesh, given for the life of the world; to eat the Lord’s flesh and drink His blood is to believe into Him and receive Him so that we may […]
We need to Continually Eat Christ as the Bread of Life to Live Because of Him Daily

As believers in Christ, we need to continually eat Christ as the bread of life so that we may live because of Him daily. In John 6 we see a detailed discourse on the Lord Jesus being the bread of life; several times He said He is the bread of life, the living bread, the […]
The Lord is the Bread of Life for us to Eat and Digest to be Constituted with Him

The primary purpose for which the Lord Jesus came down out of heaven to the earth was to give Himself to us as food, the bread of life, for us to eat Him as our spiritual nourishment and digest Him to become our constitution. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we come to John […]
We Eat the Lord Jesus by Eating His Words of Spirit and Life to Live Because of Him

Christ is the reality of the heavenly manna sent by God to be the daily life supply of His chosen people, and we can eat the Lord Jesus and live because of Him by eating His words and digesting Him into our inner being. This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers […]
Our Real Need is to Eat Christ as the Bread of Life – He is our Daily Food Supply

After being delivered by God with a strong arm from the usurpation of Pharaoh in Egypt, the people of Israel began their journey through the wilderness toward the good land, the land flowing with milk and honey. One of the most crucial things to realize in the book of Exodus is the change of diet: […]
God in Christ is the tree of life, small enough for us to eat, take in, and live because of Him!
O, Lord, we can testify because we have surely tasted – Yes, God is Good for Food! Lord Jesus, You are the tree of life – so ready and available for us to enjoy and take in. Save us from eating anything else besides You as life [continue reading online]