The key to our experience of God’s salvation is the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; when we enjoy this supply, we are saved to the extent that we magnify Christ no matter the circumstances, and Christ is magnified in us whether through life or through death. This was Paul’s testimony in […]
When we Enjoy the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit, we Magnify Christ in our Living
We Bear the Brands of Jesus by Living a Crucified Life and Enjoy the Grace of Christ

As we bear the brands of Jesus and live a crucified life, we enjoy the grace of Christ as the supply of the life-giving Spirit in our spirit; it is this grace that accomplishes God’s purpose and consummates the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! Our Christian life is a life of enjoying God as grace, and […]
We Live Christ for His Magnification by the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ

As believers in Christ, we live in the Divine Trinity by living Christ for His magnification by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; we need to live Christ and magnify Christ by this bountiful supply day by day. Amen! Before we can live Christ for His magnification, however, we need the […]
Christ expressed God’s Attributes in His Human Virtues – the Living of Jesus is our Living

As the one new man, we need to have a living that is exactly the same as the living of Jesus; we need to live a corporate God-man life, a life of expressing the attributes of God in the human virtues, a life of depending on God. For this, we need to be renewed in […]
Receiving the Supply of the Spirit by Being in the Body in Fellowship with the Saints

The element of our oneness in the church life is the anointing of the compound, all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit, and this Spirit is for the Body; for us to receive the supply of the Spirit, we need to be in the Body. In Exo. 30:23-25 we see that there was a compound ointment that was to […]
The Feast of the Harvest: Enjoy the Firsfruits of the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ

God sent Moses to deliver His people from Pharaoh’s tyranny and usurpation so that they may come to Him in the wilderness and hold a feast unto Him; this means that God delivers us from Satan’s usurpation and tyranny in the world so that we may go to Him and hold a feast unto Him. […]
To Serve God in the Gospel is to Worship God; our God is Living to us and in us!

According to the divine revelation in the Bible, all those who believe in Christ and receive Him as their Savior and life are priests to God, and they are ministers of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, laboring priests of the gospel (Rom. 15:16). We need to see a clear vision of who we are and […]